Getting Started

Our planner is designed to guide and inspire you to live your fullest life. But what exactly do we mean by that?
It’s a big question. So let’s start with what a fulfilled life is not. It’s not about completing endless to-do lists. Or trying to crush every goal possible. It’s not checking off someone else’s bucket list or chasing dreams the world tells you are important. We’ve all done these things, and in the end, they inevitably leave us feeling unmotivated, uninspired, discouraged, and burned out.
Instead, it’s about aligning our daily actions with our passions and values. It’s about minimizing what drains us, and committing our time as best we can to the things that add meaning to our life.
But life gets busy and we get distracted, and often our sense of purpose goes missing from our daily routine. Without a way to keep ourselves accountable, we find we are frantically trying to keep up or aimlessly moving through our days.
This is where Unbound steps in. It offers a comprehensive organizational system with intuitive layouts that provide the guidance and structure you need to live your life to the fullest.
With Unbound you will:
- Bring clarity to your core values and create goals that align with them
- Become extremely organized, freeing up your time and energy
- Monitor your progress on goals that really matter to you on a yearly, monthly, weekly and daily level
- Keep track of all your to-do’s, ideas, projects in one place
- Remember to continually prioritize your wellness, inside and out